Home Assessments

Are you struggling to access certain areas e.g. shower/bath, garden, upstairs etc?

Are you having difficulty carrying out daily activities at home e.g. washing/dressing, cooking, cleaning, shopping?

ckOTs may be able to help. We can visit you in your home and complete an assessment according to your needs. This assessment can be:

  • basic – looking at one or two areas such as entry & egress from the property, accessing upstairs, shower etc
  • comprehensive – looking at all areas of your home environment as well as all your daily activities

during the assessment, we will discuss any suitable recommendations. following the assessment, you will receive a full report with all recommedations agreed. You are then welcome to proceed yourself  with the recommednations or ckOTs can assist you to do this. If necessary, I can oversee all purchase and installation of equipment or adaptations. This will be discussed and agreed at the assessment.