Falls Prevention

Each year 35% of people aged 65 years and over and 45 % of those over 80 years suffer a fall. Between 10-25% of these will suffer a serious injury (College of Occupational Therapy 2015). People under the age of 65 years can also suffer falls.

Following a fall, individuals can become very frightened that it may happen again. They may lose their confidence, become quite anxious. They are often afraid to go out alone which can lead to isolation, loneliness and loss of independence.

While you cannot pevent all falls, there are many strategies you can use to minimise the risk of falls. It is also important to have a plan of how to get help should a fall happen.

Corinna has worked for many years with clients who have suffered nasty injuries following falls. She has many tips and advice on how to minimise the risk of falls in the home and in the community as well as how to do your best to regain your independence following a fall.

If you know someone who has suffered a falls or someone who is keen to minimise the risk of falls occurring, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.